What are People Like in Connecticut?

Every state has its pros and cons, from the weather to the sports, to the food, and of course, to the people.

The native residents of a state can define the experience you have there. When you grow up somewhere and move elsewhere, either to visit for school or work or leisure, then you will experience the native residents in their best and worst times.

Connecticut boasts many great things, among that are its people, but sometimes, the stereotypes are true.

You may be wondering what people are really like in Connecticut, and while we don’t have one straight answer, we can tell you that there are quite a few characteristics you should be ready for beyond the funny phrases and interesting accent.

image of fisherman from connecticut.

What are people like in Connecticut?


Some may say that people from Connecticut are nosey, or gossip a lot, and well, that’s not entirely false.

There is small-town gossip, and then there’s the small state gossip that Connecticut residents are known for. When the state is so small, it’s easy for Connecticuters to chat and discuss who is new in town, and who to watch out for.

If you love the gossip and entertainment of other people’s lives, then you will fit right in with people from Connecticut.

There is an old saying that if you go to UConn, you will meet everyone that lives in Connecticut and their parents on the first week of school!

image of what people in connecticut are like gossiping.

Sports lovers

On that note, people in Connecticut treat UConn basketball like a religion. We may have had other great achievements, but many people believe that the UConn basketball achievements have made Connecticut a premier basketball destination.

The Nutmeggers, or Connecticuters, believe that they not only bleed blue and white but that they have the best college basketball team in the world!

Almost New Yorkers

People in Connecticut also have what’s called a New York inferiority complex… which is a fancy way of saying Connecticut isn’t known for much more than being near New York City.

Of course, that isn’t true, Connecticut has a lot to offer, but the residents have gotten tired of the false narrative on their state, and it’s taken its toll.

They may feel like they have no choice but to say they are from ‘Near New York’ and not from ‘Connecticut.’ Sigh, the resentment can be inherited, unfortunately. 

Rich & preppy

You may not know this, but Connecticut is the 5th wealthiest state in America, and the consensus is that the 1% all take up a residence here.

The median household income in Connecticut is just over $78,000. So everyone may not be rolling in the dough, but when the assumption is that they are, it starts to run deep.

Take a look at New Canaan, Greenwich, or Ridgefield, then you won’t be confused anymore. Naturally, the boat-having, boat-loving community is large here.

The prep-style stereotype you may have seen has some members in Connecticut, mainly around Yale or Yale Alumni who never left.

image of preppy man from connecticut.

So, unfortunately, there are a few of the Connecticuters with the ‘I think I’m better than everybody else’ aura. Sorry about it!


People in Connecticut spend a ton of time outdoors. They fish, hike, swim – you name it.

If it’s an outdoor activity, they love it.

Political affiliation

People in Connecticut are also called Liberalservatives, the state is pretty liberal, and Nutmeggers tote the line between liberalism and conservatism like no one else does.

Road rage

While we’re on the topic, people in Connecticut also made a state-wide pastime of ‘Dodge that Deer’, which is an I-84, daredevil game of avoiding the dead deer on the highway.

angy connecticut driver.

Okay, the last couple may seem weird, but we can’t lie to you. People in Connecticut suffer from Driver Hubris.

What is that?

Well, it could be the deer dodging, but it’s made Connecticut drivers a bit cocky with their driving skills.

Take the road rage and aggression, or that commute from being so close to New York City, and you’ll get the Connecticut driver.

They like to party…in fields

Lastly, Connecticuters know how to party.

Field parties are the Connecticuter’s dream. It’s been said everyone in Connecticut has been to at least one, so if you visit, that’s the best way to fit in!

Now that you know what to expect from people in Connecticut, are you still coming?

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